Friday, July 28, 2017

New Initiative by the Multiculturalism in Action Project 2017 多元文化行動計劃2017全新活動!

The Multiculturalism in Action Project (MIA) launched a new initiative in 2017 – the ICONIC Mums Program, with an aim to foster friendship and mutual empowerment among women of different ethnic backgrounds. The first of six workshops, The Social Me: Horizontal Organization Workshop, was carried out at the School of Everyday Life on 1 July 2017. Ms. Eno Yim and Ms. Yip Lok Man were the speakers.

Twenty-six participants from Chinese, Filipino, Nepali, Indian, and Pakistani backgrounds began the day’s event with games that aimed to build mutual trust.

多元文化行動計劃 (MIA) 2017年開展全新活動: “ICONIC媽媽課程” ,目的是讓來自不同文化和族裔背景的婦女建立友誼和相互充權。課程共有六次工作坊,率先登場的是 我的團隊:團隊建立工作坊” ,於201771日在大埔生活書院舉行。導師是嚴惠英女士和葉洛民女士。


A game of trust 信心互扣遊戲

Ms. Yim then presented documentaries on Hong Kong’s organic farmers. Having learned the importance of organic farming and sustainable lifestyle, participants had a chance to cook together, using organic vegetables from local farms. In only 30 minutes, more than 10 delicious dishes in various cultural styles were done. Everyone had fun and appreciated how people of different cultures could work together really well!


Organic vegetables from local farms were the main ingredients. 主要食材是本地有機蔬菜

The impromptu menu 即席設計的菜單

Our intercultural lunch  我們的跨文化素宴

In the afternoon, participants visited the OMAK Practice installation (“OMAK” stands for “Observe Merit, Appreciate Kindness”). Using examples from everyday life, participants were guided to appreciate the merits and kindness of others. In the “Who made my life” section, Ms. Yip showed us how many people are involved in making simple things possible. For example, we are able to read a book because tree fellers, mill workers, authors, and transport laborers etc. all took part in the process. We should therefore learn to be grateful.


 Ms. Yip explaining the meaning of “OMAK” 洛民老師解釋 觀功、念恩

In the last session, participants were given postcards on which they were encouraged to express their appreciation towards other participants. It was a time for everyone to rethink the importance of team work.


 Postcard writing – expressing appreciation for each other 書寫明信片:書寫相互欣賞

With everyone’s participation, the first workshop was a success built on intercultural experience and mutual trust.


Reporters: Connie Lee and Zoe Zhou

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