Friday, July 7, 2017

Multiculturalism in Action Project: Review of a School Outreach Program 多元文化行動計劃 - 學校外展活動回顧

Young people's participation is important in building a harmonious and culturally diverse society. This summer, the Multiculturalism in Action (MIA) Project has continued reaching out to younger minds. On 30 June 2016, Dr. Wyman Tang gave a talk on “South Asian communities in Hong Kong” to a group of Form Five students at the Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary School (HKRSSTPSS).

Dr. Tang introduced some quick facts on the South Asian communities in Hong Kong such as their migration history, population, as well as their cultures and festivals. In addition, Dr. Tang cleared out some myths and stereotypes about the South Asians in Hong Kong. He also shared a few interesting facts such as their financial contributions and efforts towards the city's disciplinary under the British governance.

Dr. Tang introducing successful South Asian entrepreneurs in Hong Kong

Students actively raising questions, and answering Dr. Tang in the talk

To further enrich their knowledge, Dr. Tang taught the students how to greet each other and respond in Nepalese!

Dr. Tang demonstrating some common expressions in Nepalese

Then here was the most exciting section in this morning – learnt how to play kabaddi!

Representatives from the two classes competing against each other

Kabaddi is a traditional sport played throughout South Asia. It develops the physique, team work, and strategy. It becomes an international sport now. The Kabaddi World Cup was last organized in India in 2016, participating countries include Australia, Kenya, Poland, and the United States.
卡巴迪是一項流傳於南亞的傳統運動, 可以鍛鍊身體、訓練團體合作、以及策劃和組織的能力。卡巴迪現在是一項國際性運動。上一屆卡巴迪世界杯於2016年在印度舉行,參與國家包括澳洲、肯亞、波蘭和美國。

After introducing the basic rules, 12 representatives from two classes were sent to experience the excitement of kabaddi. The students enjoyed the sport very much. They protected their teammates from their opponents' attack, while supported and held each other's back throughout the competition. They all had demonstrated their sportsmanship and friendship.
簡單介紹卡巴迪的規則後,來自兩班共十二名代表一起出賽以體驗卡巴迪的樂趣。同學們十分享受這個運動。 面對對手的攻擊時,他們會盡力保護隊員比賽中他們亦不忘互相扶持,充分表現出體育精神和穩固的友誼。

Stoppers (team on the left) gripping the raider tightly to prevent him from gaining points after returning to his territory.
防守隊伍(左)緊緊抓住進攻手 ,防止進攻手返回己方半場得分。

After this knowledgeable and experiential morning, we hope the young participants could share their newfound knowledge with their friends and family, and keep their curiosity towards different cultures!

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