Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Multiculturalism in Action Project was invited to participate in the Hong Kong “Belt & Road” Friendly Basketball Tournament 多元文化行動計劃獲邀參與香港“一帶一路”籃球友誼聯賽

The Multiculturalism in Action (MIA) Project was invited to take part in the Hong Kong “Belt & Road” Friendly Basketball Tournament organized by the Silk Road Economic Development Research Centre. This Tournament aimed to encourage cultural exchange, and develop a better understanding of cultural diversity along the Belt and Road. There were eight teams competing in total, including the Cambodian, Malaysian, Pakistani, and Russian etc. MIA’s Multicultural Team consisted of Bangladeshi, Chinese, and Sri Lankan members. They played the Nepali Team on 11 April, 2017, at the St. James’ Settlement Multi-Purpose Indoor Basketball Court, Wan Chai. 

The Nepali Team won the game, and both teams had a great time as players enjoyed the intercultural interaction and friendship with team members. We believe that sports, which requires team work and mutual trust, is always a good way to enhance intercultural experience and social integration. 

多元文化行動 (MIA) 計劃獲邀參加由絲綢之路經濟發展研究中心主辦的香港“一帶一路”籃球友誼聯賽。是次聯賽目的為鼓勵文化交流和加深市民對一帶一路地區文化多元的理解。比賽共有八支參賽隊伍,包括柬埔寨隊、馬來西亞隊、巴基斯坦隊及俄羅斯隊等等。MIA贊助的「多元文化隊」由孟加拉裔、華裔及斯里蘭卡裔球員組成。我們在2017年4月11日在灣仔聖雅各福群會多用途室內籃球場迎戰尼泊爾隊。


Prof. Maria Tam (middle) and the Multicultural Team

Team captains of the Multicultural Team (left) and the Nepali Team (right) exchanging souvenirs

The match in progress 賽事進行中

The Multiculturalism in Action Project is a knowledge-transfer project launched by Prof. Maria Tam in 2013, aiming at involving different ethnic origins in Hong Kong to make a change together. We believe that cultural knowledge and sensibility are the basis to ending multiple marginalization of ethnic communities. We value: 1) partnership among different ethnic communities; 2) mutual empowerment through intercultural experiences; and 3) sustainability of intercultural education over time. Please visit our website http://arts.cuhk.edu.hk/~ant/knowledge-transfer/multiculturalism-in-action/index.html to learn more about our work, and view our documentary “Intercultural Hong Kong Series: Feeling south Asian” at https://youtu.be/PA5YGEdKuAc

多元文化行動計劃是在2013年由譚少薇教授開展的知識轉移計劃。目的是讓香港的不同族群一起通過合作去改變社會現狀。我們認為提高大眾的跨文化知識和敏感度是解決少數族裔被多種邊緣化的基礎,並通過以下方式實現: 一)在不同族群之間建立夥伴計劃;二)通過跨文化體驗相互充權;三)可持續的跨文化教育。請瀏覽我們的網站http://arts.cuhk.edu.hk/~ant/knowledge-transfer/multiculturalism-in-action/index.html認識更多有關我們的工作。你亦可到https://youtu.be/PA5YGEdKuAc 觀看我們的紀錄片 《跨文化香港系列:南亞心。情》。

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