Oxford Migration Studies Society 1st Annual Conference-Migration: Theory and Practices
Time:4 May 2013
Venue: University of Oxford
Submission Deadline: 9 Feb 2013
Website: http://cheukk.wix.com/oxfordmigration#!conference/c1iwz
About the Society
The Oxford Migration Studies Society is a not-for-profit, student-run, graduate studies society that includes in its membership students from all disciplines across University of Oxford who share an interest in Migration. Two of the society’s central tenets are:
--- To build networks across institutional and disciplinary boundaries
--- To generate dialogue both between universities but, equally of importance, amongst universities and practitioners
The Oxford Migration Studies Society presents its 1st Annual Conference as a first step to realizing the important goal of connecting academic scholarship to real-world practice.
The Oxford Migration Studies Society Conference
The Oxford Migration Studies Society 1st Annual Conference to be held Saturday, 4 May 2013, provides an interdisciplinary forum that hopes to connect scholars and practitioners with an interest in migration from around the world. This year’s conference, themed ‘Theory and Practice’, will explore different approaches to understanding migration as a fundamental part of today’s world, highlight the way practice can inform theory, and discuss how academic theory can be used in real-world situations to understand the importance of migration for all involved. The Society welcomes papers from all disciplines and practitioners around the world and papers can focus on the migration experience from the state’s perspective, the migrant’s perspective, the migration industry’s perspective in sending and receiving countries as well as on the journey. The Society encourages the submission of papers about migration in any region in the world and which use various methodologies.
Submission abstracts are due on Saturday, 9 February 2013. Full papers will be due Sunday, 31 March 2013. Please send all submissions to Oxford Migration Studies Society at oxford.mss@gmail.com. Include in the subject heading: Conference Submission – your name – title of your paper. Please note that the word limit for abstract is 200 words.
Accepted presenters will be put in contact with distinguished professors from Oxford International Migration Institute (IMI), Center for Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), and the Refugee Studies Center (RSC) for feedback and comments on their submissions.
The conference will be held in Oxford, United Kingdom
Contact Oxford Migration Studies Society for any further questions: oxford.mss@gmail.com.
All submissions are to be submitted at: oxford.mss@gmail.com. Include in the subject heading: Conference Submission – your name – title of your paper.
Travel Bursary
Partial travel funding will be granted to student and practitioner participants. Please download the funding application and submit the application along with your abstract before Saturday, 9 February 2013.
Oxford Migration Studies Society 1st Annual Conference- Migration: Theory and Practices