Wednesday, October 10, 2018

From the Mountains to the Sea: Archaeology Internship 2017-2018 Exhibition 上山下海:香港中文大學人類學系考古實習成果展

From the Mountains to the Sea
Sichuan Sanxingdui • Jiangkou Battlefield & Guangdong Nanhai No.I Shipwreck
Archaeology Internship 2017-2018 Exhibition

上山下海 —— 四川三星堆及江口古戰場.廣東南海I號沉船遺址:香港中文大學人類學系考古實習成果展 

Date: 15 Oct - 20 Dec 2018
Venue: University Library, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Only through the “touching the ground” experience, can we understand the meaning of material culture in the past and explain to our contemporaries why we need to care about archaeological ruins. Our students learned a wide range of fieldwork skills and techniques through these meaningful archaeological internships. More important, the hands-on experience provides a great chance to them for better understanding the Bronze Age civilization in Sichuan and the Jiangkou sunken treasure legend. To team up with the underwater archaeology group, we want to present not only the fascinating archaeological experience “From the Mountains (Sichuan) to the Sea (Guangdong)” but also provide the general public some reflections inspired by these internships such as the variety and diversity of ancient civilizations in China and the role of Guangdong and Sichuan on the ancient Silk Roads. You are all cordially invited to visit this upcoming exhibition and attend the following activities.

(1) Opening Ceremony Online Registration
Date:19 Oct 2018 (Fri)
Time:2:30 pm
Venue:University Library, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

(2) Centre for Cultural Heritage Studies Talk Series 2018/ Exhibition Talk Series 1 Online Registration

Title: New Understanding of the Sanxingdui Site in Sichuan - The Ancient Walled Town and Sacrificial Pits at Sanxingdui (in Putonghua) 四川三星堆遺址的新認識 - 三星堆古城與器物坑 (普通話)

Speaker: Prof. SUN Hua (School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University)
Date:19 Oct 2018 (Fri)
Time: 4:00-6:00 pm

Venue: C1 T.C. Cheng Building, United College


Speaker bio:孫華,北京大學考古文博學院教授、北京大學考古文博學院學術委員會主任、北京大學文化遺產保護研究中心主任、國務院學位委員會考古學科評議組成員、全國古籍整理出版規劃領導小組成員。主要研究領域為中國青銅時代考古、中國西南地區考古和文化遺產保護。主要著述有《四川盆地的青銅時代》、《神秘的王國――對三星堆文明的初步理解和解釋》等。

Organizers 主辦:
Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學人類學系Centre for Cultural Heritage Studies 文化遺產研究中心
Sichuan Archaeology Research Institute, China 四川省文物考古研究院

Co-organizer 協辦: University Library, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學圖書館

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