Monday, August 21, 2017

Multiculturalism in Action Project – ICONIC Mums Program Workshop 4 多元文化行動計劃ICONIC媽媽課程工作坊 (四)

A Music Life: Women’s Alternative Way to Express Themselves

“We like learning, we keep progressing.
We like music, we can express ourselves bravely.
We enjoy being alone, we do self-reflection.
We are not afraid of cockroaches, because we can be strong.
We have temper, but we can accept ourselves.
Keep discovering ourselves, keep discovering ourselves.
Exploring in music, exploring in music,
for a happy living.”
---------The song “WE” co-created by all participants

在音樂尋找, 在音樂尋找,

In the heat of summer, from Yasumoto International Academic Park Room 405 came the sound of melodious singing, which cooled us all down like a gentle breeze. It was the fourth workshop of the ICONIC Mums Program, “My Story and My Song: Music Workshop”, held on 29 July 2017. You will never guess this song was co-created: from lyrics, to composition, to accompaniment, by over 20 women of different ethnic backgrounds, within as short as one hour. You must be wondering how they “collided” and cooperated to pull off this cheerful and heartening melody. Now let us follow the music therapist Ms. Yuki Fung to see how she taught us community music, explored our musical potentials, and brought the ICONIC Mums to join hands in creating music that expressed their feeling.

在炎炎夏日裡,悠悠歌聲從康本國際學術園405室傳來,如徐徐清風驅散了空氣的炙熱。這是ICONIC媽媽課程在2017729日舉辦的第四次工作坊 我的故事我的歌:音樂工作坊的現場。你一定猜不到,這首歌曲是20多名不同族裔的女性在短短一個小時內自己填詞、編曲、伴奏的成果。你也一定會好奇,是怎樣的合作和碰撞能迸發出如此歡快而令人振奮的樂章?那就讓我們一起跟隨音樂治療師馮靜嵐老師,看看她如何帶領大家玩轉社區音樂,一步一步發掘大家的音樂潛質,並令ICONIC媽媽們通力合作,創造出屬於自己和表達心聲的音樂。

Music Opens Your Heart音樂開心扉
The workshop started with two ice-breaking games, namely, “Music Heart Attack” and “Catch the Egg!”. Unlike regular warm-up activities, Yuki played two golden oldies "Country Road, Take Me Home" and "Imagine" on the guitar. The musical elements not only made the atmosphere relaxed, but also allowed us to quickly integrate into the group.

工作坊開始了。靜嵐老師首先帶領大家玩兩個破冰遊戲: “音樂心臟病 音樂捕蛋。不同於平常的熱身活動,老師以結他演奏著清新明快的經典老歌 “Country Road, Take Me Home” “Imagine” 。這些音樂元素不但令現場氣氛輕鬆歡快,也讓大家快速融入團隊。

When the music stopped, who could name the other person faster?

The joyful bunch who succeeded in catching others’ eggs 

Everyone Can Make Music人人都是音樂家
Yuki then invited us to choose from a variety of instruments and prepare for the ensemble. Some participants hesitated and wondered, with neither musical knowledge nor professional training, whether they could play music. In spite of this big question mark, we were all attracted by the pleasant looking drums, “wooden fish”, and hand bells. With favorite instruments in hands, under the conductorship of Yuki, we played in different rhythms, producing a harmonious melody. Participants could not help expressing the view that indeed everyone could play music, and that music has no boundaries among different cultures.

一番熱身之後,靜嵐老師邀請我們從樣式繁多的樂器中挑選一件,為大合奏做準備。一些參加者心中不免發愁:毫無音樂基礎、沒有經過專業訓練也能奏樂嗎?儘管心中有個大大的問號,但一看到形態可掬的小鼓、木魚和手鈴,大家都興奮地挑選心儀的樂器。在老師的指揮下,每種樂器按照不同的節奏發聲,最後竟然奏出了和諧的旋律!參加者不禁感歎: 人人都可奏樂,音樂不分國界。

Childlike musical instruments were great inspirations to participants

Trying out as a conductor!

Our Story, Our Song我們的故事,我們的歌
Finally, it is time to decipher how the song “WE” was produced: We were first divided into groups to better know each other, and shared our common views in an innovative way. Then Yuki, based on her rich experience, helped us developed them into lyrics. We discussed, brainstormed, and created a collective song “WE” expressing our common characteristics and aspiration as women.
終於到了揭秘集體歌曲創作的時刻了。 大家首先進行小組討論,並以創新的方式表達大家的共通點。靜嵐老師憑著自己豐富的經驗和大家一起把這些共通點拼湊成歌詞。業餘 樂手們集思廣益,為歌詞譜曲。一首表達我們共同特點、共同心願和美好願景的集體之歌 “WE” 就誕生了。

Everyone playing their instruments and singing the co-created song

In the process of song creation, everyone made their contribution, be it brainstorming ideas, plucking the strings, or singing out lyrics: truly joyful over collaboration and mutual assistance. Amazed by our own potentials, we were stimulated to profoundly reflect on ourselves. Music made us more confident. Our commonalities inspired us to better accept ourselves when facing negative moods. We also realized that everyone could write songs to express feelings. Music, as a common language, can connect one another and contribute to solidarity building.


Participants sharing their thoughts with laughter

Seeing their experiences, do you have the urge to write your story and your song? Act now!

Reporter記者Zhu Chen朱琛

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