Wednesday, March 22, 2017


East Asian Anthropological Association 
Annual Meeting 

The Chinese University of Hong Kong 
14-16 October 2017

The East Asian Anthropological Association is a scholarly association of teachers and students of anthropology based in East Asia and engaged in anthropological work on East Asia. It has its conferences in China, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan in recent years. Its upcoming meeting will be in Hong Kong 14-16 October 2017. We hope that you will propose a panel or an individual paper for this conference. You do not need to be a member of EAAA at present in order to submit a panel or paper; you become a member automatically by attending this conference.     
Please fill out a EAAA panel proposal or EAAA individual paper proposal, which will require an abstract from you in English. (We regret making English the conference’s language, but because of the prohibitive expense of hiring simultaneous translators, this is necessary.) You can submit either a panel proposal, which should have 3-6 participants speaking on a common topic, or an individual paper proposal, which is your paper alone. Individual paper proposals we will subsequently organize into panels. Submitted panels have a somewhat better chance of being accepted for the conference than individual papers. Panels that cross national boundaries rather than only dealing with one society are preferred, but we realize that such panels may not always be possible. 

If you cannot access the online forms, please complete the attached panel or paper proposal form and send it to by 1 May 2017. The program committee will make its decisions by 15 May, and will then send out acceptance notices, conference registration forms, and payment instructions to all participants. 

The conference will be held on 14-15 October at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, followed on 16 October by a tour of interesting Hong Kong places.  Registration will be US$100, and participants will pay for their own lodging. We will arrange lodging at a CUHK guesthouse (for which there are limited spaces), or at the Hyatt hotel; you will have the chance to choose which of these you would prefer. We will provide lunches and dinners and refreshments at the conference. For more details, please visit

We look forward to seeing you in Hong Kong in October! 

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