It was a sunny
day on 12 August 2017. Participants of the ICONIC Mums Program gathered at the Jockey
Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) in Shek Kip Mei for their fifth workshop:
“Community Observation: Photo-Voice Workshop”. We were glad to have Dr. Carol
Chow to be our instructor.
2017年8月12日,陽光普照,ICONIC媽媽課程的參加者齊集石硤尾賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC)參與課程的第五次工作坊: “社區觀察: 相片X聲音工作坊” 。很高興這次有周佩霞博士(Carol)做我們的導師。
Before the
workshop started, we walked around JCCAC with Carol. Although it was the first
time for many of us to visit JCCAC, we felt familiar with this place. The architectural
style was reminiscent of the old-style public housing and factories in Hong
Kong. Many of our participants grew up in similar environments. Indeed, city
design shapes our life experience, and in turn, it constructs our memory of
life. It was not just observation we learned in this workshop, but also its
connection with our past.
architectural style of JCCAC is similar to the old-style public housing and
The spirit of photo-voice is ‘to listen and to be heard’. Carol shared with us different international projects that have brought about social change by using the power of photos. As the old saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words”; then a GOOD picture definitely worths more. Carol also taught us some skills of taking good pictures: from diagonals, to rules of thirds, to shadows, and to try new angles etc.
“聲音發聲” 的精神在於 “聆聽與被聽見” 。Carol跟我們分享了一些國際性項目,它們都是通過相片的力量為社會帶來轉變。常言道, “一圖勝千言” ,那如果是一張很好的照片就更能表達千言萬語了。Carol也與我們分享了一些如何拍出好照片的技巧,例如運用對角線、三分法則、陰影、嘗試新角度等。
Picture taken with a new angel
然後,我們分成小組,分別得到一個任務:在深水埗最熱鬧的街道,如桂林街、鴨寮街、大南街等實習觀察和拍照。我們拍攝了各種多元又活潑的生活日常:街市、路邊攤、舊樓、全球化的景物、興建中的建築、斑駁剝落的樓宇……等等。After that, we were
divided into groups. Each group had a mission to observe and take photos of one
of the busiest streets in Sham Shui Po, namely, Kwai Lin Street, Apliu Street,
and Tai Nan Street. Pictures of the wet markets, open-air stalls, old
buildings, globalization, constructions, and demolishment which showcased the
diverse culture and vibrant daily lives were all captured by us.
Participants visiting Sham Shui Po on a sunny day
回到JCCAC,大家分享了各自拍攝的相片和背後的故事,以及自己的感受。雖然不同的參加者拍攝了同一個地方和景物,但所傳遞的訊息各有不同。Carol帶領參加者從照片中發掘深水埗與我們各自居住的社區的異同。她說:有了比較,我們才可以更容易看清自己。Back in JCCAC, we shared the photos we took, together with the stories and our feelings. Interestingly, though some participants took pictures of the same thing at the same place, the messages they delivered were different. Carol led a discussion on the uniqueness and commonalities of Sham Shui Po by asking us to compare these images with our own community. She told us: through comparison, we could see ourselves better.
A local scene in Sham Shui Po
Mixture of residential and commercial, old and new
We realize that everyone
has a voice of her own that deserves to be heard. So let’s try using the power
of photo-voice to create a meaningful project!
我們意識到:每個人都有一把值得被聽見的聲音。大家不妨利用“相片發聲” 的力量,去開展一個有意義的項目!
Reporter記者: Amber Hui 許卉