Friday, March 3, 2017

[Announcement] Summer Field Trip to Cambodia (2-13 June,2017)

Summer Field Trip to Cambodia (2-13 June,2017) for major in anthropology, minor in anthropology, archaeology and cultural heritage studies undergraduate students

This year, Professor Sharon Wong will lead a 12-day field trip to Cambodia. This will be the first credit-bearing summer course – ANTH3321 Topics in Anthropology from Department of Anthropology. The main theme of the trip will be “the Meanings of Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Sites to “Insiders” and “Outsiders””. At the core of the trip, students are required to participate in two-day workshop on interactive lecture and discussion on digital heritage and intangible cultural heritage studies in Cambodia, and hands-on sessions on archaeological artifacts (in collaboration with School of Archaeology, Royal University of Fine Arts, National Museum of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (S-21), APSARA Authority, Angkor, University of Sydney, and Centre for Khmer Studies, Siem Reap etc.)

Place: Cambodia
Dates: 2-13 June, 2017
Fee: HK$4800 for the trip (Department will sponsor up to half of the summer field trip, you can also still apply for subsidy from the NA College Office)
Online application form:
Deadline for submission: 7th March, 2017 (Tue) 5pm

Some of the expected outcomes of the field trip are:

  • Understand the cultural heritage studies, archaeology, museum anthropology and people and cultures in Southeast Asia in concrete experience;
  • Study the various interpretations of “Memory of the World”—case study on the memory of Khmer Rouge and “World Heritage”—case study of Angkor
  • Connect cultural dynamics with local and international researchers/students in Cambodia –study the meanings of cultural heritage and archaeological sites to ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’;
  • Know how to collect data and prepare a mini research report on a case study of cultural heritage/archaeological site or museum;
  • Learn to communicate with local people in ways other than students’ spoken language;
  • Use inter-disciplinary approaches and critical thinking in discussing heritage issues
  • Program of the trip tentatively includes:
  • Conducting participant observations, interviews and group research projects in 1-2 cultural heritage/archaeological site(s) or museum(s);
  • Visit the major temples of Angkor National Park and some archaeological sites;
  • Meeting with researchers and students in local and international Institutions;
  • Meeting with archaeologists and anthropologists working in Angkor-World Heritage Site in Southeast Asia;
  • Daily briefing sessions and workshops


Students should be prepared for some challenges, and mentally make a commitment not to complain since the fieldwork is going to be short;

  • It will be very hot; not all sites and institutions will have AC, the average high 35-40C, it may have heavy rain.
  • Language: all local people speak Khmer, some of the local students and researchers can speak fairly good English, Mandarin and/or French;
  • Food: some meals may be very simple especially near the archaeological sites; we will try to go out occasionally to eat in restaurants;
  • Students will be stay in pairs or with local Khmer students. Exact arrangements to be arranged, and depend on the male/female breakdown.
  • Hard work: students should expect to spend many hours writing field notes and studying archaeological artifacts, and participant observations in some field sites. After the field trip, students will use their findings to curate a summer field trip exhibition at Hui Gallery, CUHK (Oct, 2017)

The summer field trip will be a rewarding and unique life experience for anthropology students to understand culture of another place. Do not miss this great learning opportunity. Click here for more details:


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