Monday, June 15, 2015

The 8th Annual CUHK Anthropology Postgraduate Student Forum

The 8th Annual CUHK Anthropology Postgraduate Student Forum

“Transforming Asian Anthropology:Dialogues and Imaginations”

22-23 January, 2016
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Department of Anthropology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, invites graduate students in Asia and elsewhere to present their current research at our 8th Postgraduate Student Forum: “Transforming Asian Anthropology: Dialogues and Imaginations”. The Forum, to be held 22-23 January 2016 (Friday and Saturday) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, will showcase the best of students’ contemporary research on Asia.
Hong Kong is a global city, a major node for trade, transportation, and the exchange of ideas. This Postgraduate Student Forum seeks to encourage the communication among young anthropologists and other social scientists all over the world, to help improve their research and to make the excellent research being conducted in Asia to be better known internationally.

Presentations and Panels
We accept proposals for individual papers only this year. Papers of different topics are welcome, ethnographic work preferred. Papers will then be organized into panels. Each paper presentation will last 15 minutes; PowerPoint and multimedia equipment will be provided. The language of the forum will be English.

How to Apply
Application procedure and additional information can be found at
Deadline for abstract is 16 October 2015.

Forum Dates
22-23 January 2016 (Friday and Saturday)


Telephone: +852 3943 7670


  1. Stay up-to-date on anthropology. Study culture and how culture and anthropology are tied on culanth

  2. its very impressive step by the chines university on this form they invite all the Asian countries post graduate students to share their research and thorough assignmentmasters discount code they get more information there from the experts if these types of forms held regularly than it is beneficial for the postgraduate students
