Leah, Cheung
Ah Li did both her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in our department and is about to graduate as an M.Phil in anthropology. She shares some experiences of her five-year relationship with anthropology.
Internship at the Ethnological Museum in Vienna, 2009 |
I will never forget the first anthropology
lecture I attended when I was a freshman. It was a lecture on “what is
anthropology” by Professor Gordon Mathews. He borrowed a $100 note from a
student at the front row and explained the social function of money. All of a
sudden, he tore the bill in half in front of the whole class. “This is just a
piece of paper!” he asserted. Totally shocked, the whole class slowly realized
how insane the social world is and that people are being controlled by social
norms. Since then, I have been completely amazed by this subject, which has
taught me to question this world and society.
One of the first anthropological readings that
I encountered was Miner’s “Body Ritual among the Nacirema”, which is still one
of my favorite anthropological reads. The article describes the cultural
characteristics of a “tribe” called Nacirema. Members of the “tribe” worship a
hero called Notgnihsaw. They own a sacred shrine in the place where they live
and they have to visit the “holy mouth man” every year who “tortures” the
tribal members. Readers may find the tribe exotic, mysterious and aggressive when
they first read the article. However, the Nacirema is actually a description of
American culture from an outsider’s point of view. That is what anthropology is
about: the study of our everyday life from another angle.
Yale University New Asia College exchange programme, 2010 |
My anthropological studies have become more
interesting as I learned about other topics. Anthropology students enjoy a high
degree of freedom in choosing their courses. Besides some required courses that
provide students the basic anthropological understandings, the anthropology
department in CUHK offers a wide range of courses that students can choose from
according to their interests. They learn about all aspects of cultures,
including heritage and archaeology, food and culture, economy and power,
tourism and globalization, and sexuality and gender. A student is able to learn
to see the world holistically (seeing how the parts interrelate in the whole),
as well as investigate their focused topics deeply.
Undergraduate Anthropological Fieldtrip to
Xinjiang, 2007 |
Moreover, students also have many
opportunities to travel and experience other cultures. Aside from various exchange
programmes that students can apply for, during my anthropological studies, I
spent every summer vacation in a different city conducting fieldwork or
participating in internships. For instance, I have been to the Silk Road in
China travelling to Gansu, Xinjiang and Shaanxi provinces as my summer
fieldtrip; worked at the National Antiquity Department in Beijing for a summer
internship; conducted summer fieldwork with Cantonese Opera musicians in
Guangzhou for three months; and participated in an internship in the
Ethnological Museum in Vienna in Austria and in the Museum of Cultures in Zürich
in Switzerland. These overseas experiences not only provided me chances to
apply what I have learned in class, but also broadened my horizons towards
different cultures.
What are your interests? Are you afraid of
not being able to balance your hobby with your studies after entering the
university? No worries! You will be able to combine your interests with studies
when you study anthropology. Past anthropology students’ final year projects
have displayed a wide variety of topics of students’ own choices. For example,
a student was interested in soccer and investigated the culture of soccer fans;
a student loved eating chocolate was able to research the trend of chocolate
consumption in Hong Kong. I would like to highlight my own research on the
Cantonese Opera music community in Guangzhou. I have always wanted to become a
musician. However, after I got to know about anthropology, I became amazed
about learning more about other cultures. My study on Cantonese Opera enabled
me to enjoy both music playing and the pleasure of exploring other cultures. During
my summer fieldwork, I was playing music and performing in Guangzhou with
Cantonese Opera ensembles almost everyday. I experienced rehearsals and performances
that I thought would have never been possible. From knowing nothing about
Cantonese Opera, to being able to perform on the stage, I have experienced a
life-changing moment in my life.
Guangzhou Wenhua Park, Cantonese Opera performance during
fieldwork for M.Phil thesis, 2011 |
“What is anthropology? And what would you
like to do afterwards?” These are the most frequent questions that I have been
asked, since I have chosen to study anthropology. My parents worried about my
future and people wondered whether I could earn a living after graduation.
However, my fruitful university life proved all these worries were unnecessary because
I have had the best time in my life being an anthropology student. All
anthropology majors that I know have found their passion and jobs in a wide
variety of industries and non-profit organizations after their graduation. The author and critic Philip Gilbert
Hamerton once wrote, “Culture is like wealth; it makes us more ourselves, it
enables us to express ourselves.” Anthropology has equipped me with the skill
to communicate with others and a holistic view towards different issues. I am
still fascinated by the discipline of anthropology and how anthropology has
altered me everyday, therefore, I believe that anthropology has provided me an
intangible kind of wealth that enriches my life and will enable me to generate
more tangible wealth that will be fruitful for my future.
M.Phil Candidate